Welcome to my blog containing sporadic personal ramblings, coding, electronics, D&D and anything else.>
Last night I saw the new Star Trek movie, I’ve seen all the episodes of all the shows between 2-7 times each, so of course I need to watch this movie to..
Remembering how much Nemesis sucked, I was determined to have no expectations to the movie, just in case it turned out to be crap. But around 1 week ago I got to see like 25 minutes of the movie while at Fedcon, and then I got pretty exited, it looked really good and funny.
Unfortunately those 25 minutes contained everything that was good in the movie, and the rest 1.5 hours SUCKED.
I really hate the new Star Trek movie, it is by far the worst Star Trek movie (that includes such travesties as Star Trek 3, 5 and Nemesis).
The movie has NO Star Trek feeling over it what so ever.. The Movie is BORING and the plot is semi-retarded.
The movie is a Bland Cookie cutter action movie dressed up like Trek.
Note (I’m not a grumpy old guy who only likes TOS, and says there can be NO action in Star Trek).. I really LOVE TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT and First contact, Battlestar, Stargate, and those have lots of action (but not mindless action with poor plots)
Tomorrow I’m leaving for Bonn, Germany to attend my first ever Star Trek Convention, the convention is Fedcon, and I have no idea what I’m going to do there :)
Better have Summer Glau sign a Firefly dvd cover, don’t know why, but life is like playing Monkey Island.. you just do stuff because it’s there, and hope it will pay of later.
Either way it should be fun, maybe I’ll catch a glimpse of this swine flu that the media has been hyping the entire week.. Influenza kills like 1000 people in Norway each year.. 30′000 in the US, and a new influenza virus spreads across the planet every year without people yelling about a pan(dem)ic.
Cryptic Studios announced a “Create a comic” contest for Startrek online, with the chance to win a beta key.
My chances are pretty much 0,003%, but still, here’s my contribution to the contest:
Easter is almost over, and I used most of the time to complete the Trekwar shipdesigner, and set up lots of hulls for it.. I also created a chat system for the game.
Finally saw the Watchmen movie, It’s not quite as good as the comic book, but it’s still:
The endig was also better than the comic book, and I cant wait to get the extended version and the tale of the black freighter on Bluray
Rating: 9.5/10
My cute little server Defiant, where I run my webserver, database and trekwar server tests, deserves some recognition:
The server itself is a little aopen cube shuttle pc running fedora linux :)
The server is of course covered with Star Trek ships, a Robotech VF-1, oldschool Batman and a badger for good luck. The server is starting to get old 4-5 years, and if it where not for backups, I would frequently worry about hard drive failure. Before that happens, I hope it will reach the 1000 day uptime :)