Erlend's semi-curated nonsense

Chocolate milk blind testing

I saw a new chocolate drink (Q sjokolademelk) with the advertisement “Norways Best” written on the package in the store a couple of days ago, so I decided to do a blind test with that and 3 other brands of chocolate milk.

I tested the 4 brands at 4 tests, and rated them on a scale from 1 (worst) to 10 (best).

Chocolate milk spreadsheet

As the results show, the new “Best in Norway” chocolate milk tasted like crap, while the one I usually buy (Tine sjokomelk) was beaten by a small margin by Litago (also from “Tine”). At least my regular brand had a very low standard deviation. The winners were “Litago original sjokolademelk” and “Litago lettere sjokolademelk” (low fat version), with the latter having a lower standard deviation (consistently yummy) and being crowned the winner of the test:

Chocolate milk winner

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